Green Hamster and the Quest for Fun

Green Hamster and the Quest for Fun

Green Hamster goes to the bonsai tree to meet all the other animals but no one s there! He is sure everyone else on the island is having more fun than the hamsters. He decides to go an adventure to find the most fun on Fujimini Island. Will he find out the wrestling pandas, leaping dolphins or surfing penguins do have more fun?

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Green Hamster and the Quest for Fun
  • Glossary

    At OnceKids, we love and feel inspired by Asian cultures. So there are lots of references in the Fujimini Adventure Series about special aspects of Korean, Chinese, and Japanese culture. We made this glossary to describe some of these elements, and we hope you enjoy watching it. Did you know abou...

  • Green Hamster and the Quest for Fun

    Green Hamster goes to the bonsai tree to meet all the other animals, but no one's there! He is sure everyone else on the island is having more fun than the hamsters. He decides to go an adventure to find the most fun on Fujimini Island. Will he find out the wrestling pandas, leaping dolphins or s...